Alignment to Virtual Mounting Plate

An exclusive function only available with Medit scanners, this feature enables you to link articulators such as KaVo, Artex, SAM, MARK330 and BIOART A7+, with virtual articulators, without [...]


Post & Core

The Post & Core scan feature helps you to capture the deepest part of the core, by giving you the option of combining your model data with impression scan data.


Interproximal Area Scan for Orthodontics

Capture important interproximal areas with the Medit T-Series and Medit Scan for Labs software.


​Bottom Side of the Wax-Up

Experience optimized functionality with wax-up bottom scanning, which allows the scanning of both the extrados and the intrados of a wax-up, for perfect copying of the pontic area and a much more [...]


Advanced Scanbody Alignment

With the ‘Medit Certified’ Library, the Implant Scanbody Alignment feature uses an algorithm which ensures high position accuracy, as well as the accuracy of each re-alignment. The ‘Advanced [...]


Partial Dentures

The partial denture framework requires the interproximal undercut as a retention force foundation. Use the ‘interproximal scan’ in the ‘Orthodontic’ scan strategy for your partial denture [...]


Replica Dentures

Replicate and archive existing dentures or create a surgical or radiographic guide with fast, accurate, and high-quality scans.


HD Mode for Selected Stages

You can select specific parts to scan in high resolution, allowing you to scan in HD whenever necessary.


Customized Scan Sequence

Enjoy the flexibility of choosing your own scan sequence with Medit Scan for Labs. Simply drag and drop the scan stages and re-order the sequence to suit your working style and needs!


No Downtime (Processing Done in Background)

There’s no need to wait for a case to be processed before proceeding to the next. Processing is done in the background for maximum efficiency, allowing you to scan cases consecutively without a break.

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